image contains 1 pair of blue shoes

The humidity was increasing in the atmosphere like the air is showing a dance performance in the evening. Birds’ chirping was making the atmosphere melodious one.

“Don’t you think the weather is beautiful, isn’t it? The river, the mountain, I can never get tired of them”. Hina thought of them while sitting on the rocks where the waves were making a sweet noise around her.

This was the small village near the bank of River Sindh. A small but beautiful house was made near the river. The residents of the house-made it. The residents included four persons and Hina was one of them. Bright eyes, innocent face, brown hair, 12 years old. Hina exactly looked like a Greek goddess. Impeccable looks, demure mischiefs; all these things have made her the star of the whole village.

“Hina... Hina…” This voice had broken the series of her thoughts. She turned to look back. Tony was standing before her. He was her little brother. She had a vague idea of why her name was Tony.

Once a strange man came to their village. He went to the river with his cats and dogs. He took all of them on a walk near the river. It was very strange to her. “Well, does this dog come for a walk too?” She asked her father. “Yes, they do but only rich people do so”. Her father was right. He always said the right thing. She left with her father having a smile on her face. The dogs of their village staggered carrying their fragile body on the street. No walk for them and no good food available. But the dog of that man had a huge figure and had been healthy and sound. He also had a beautiful cat. It was the white one having blue eyes. Once she even touched the cat without even getting noticed. How soft and silky hair! Just like hers.  The cat's name was Tony. Natives learned that name then whenever they saw any beautiful child they named him TONY. Her brother got the name in this way. She remembered when she touched the big black car window with her small little white fingers and watched her image in the mirror until hounds barked and made her frightened. So she ran away

Hina… Hina… Look! A voice from nearby arises. She looked at the hands of Tony. He was holding her BLUE SHOES. She became red as a hot iron.

“You little knucklehead…! Let me see you...” she stood on a rock. There were thorns down here. She can’t get down. So she was watching in despair. Soon tears rolled down her face and her cheeks got red. Soon she saw her dad who was heading towards her with her blue shoes in his hands. She took a sigh of relief.

Those shoes were much dear to her. When her father bought her them for the first time she hugged her father and said “DAD, YOU ARE THE BEST!” He replied, “If daughters are the best so then the fathers”.

She looked after those shoes with great care. She doesn’t even walk with them on rocks wearing them. At home, she put them in the cupboard so Tony couldn’t make fun of her.

Once she had placed his foot on bushes with thorns. The shoes got a hole in it. This brought a lot of grief to her heart. Her mother stitched them with the thread of white sack.

She once said to her dad, “Why don’t you catch fish from the river? Jameela was telling that fishermen had a great business there these days. Until when would you work as a laborer?” she said with light sarcasm. “You know I don’t like the yearning of fishes. I don’t have any strength to watch them die”. “And we may die like them one day”. Her father could only give a smile on this.

Her father went fishing only when they had nothing to eat at home. “Dad does the fish cry?” she asked on the bank of the river. “Yes, but their tears can’t be seen”. “Just like us, dad.” He was taken aback when he heard such words from her as if someone hit him with a great blow. “But God is watching…” he replied gathering all his energy. “Yes dad, maybe it's true! Mom told me that God can still see me when nobody is watching.” He smiled with relief. “Should we stop tears coming out of our eyes?” She asked when she had a fight with Bina. “Yes but not always”. The answer was short as usual.

Her mother could read and write a little bit. So she had taught her children what she knew. But it was not enough.  “Dad cant I read or write ever?” “Why do you think so?” he asked her hiding his tears.  “Do the children go to school?” She again asked a question. “Yes but not the poor ones”. He said firmly and there was a long silence.

Hina wished for a doll after a long time. And her father was happy too. Children should not keep their appetence hidden and silenced. Silence put a big question on their Soul. “Yes, why not, you can have it.” “But I don’t want it. Rafi needs it.” She replied. “But how do you know that?” he asked from her. “She was saying this to her father.” “You can ask anything for yourself too”, said with heaviness in his chest. “I don’t need it”, she replied in a careless manner. “So the innocent heart doesn’t want anything”, her father thought.

It was more than a week; the clouds had covered the whole village. And the rain had not stopped for a single day. When will it be clear outside? I want to play with Tony, Hina thought sadly. She then saw her dad coming inside all wet and he said to her mother, “It is very risky to be here. The water has risen up to a dangerous level. Many areas have been flooded”. She cannot understand these things.

Soon the heavy rain slowed down and it was drizzling. She went outside with Tony and her friends to play. She was having a wonderful time. Someone was calling them.

Suddenly, a large afflux of water carried them with itself. They were floating like dry leaves. She held her brother and her shoes firmly. Her father had taught her to swim a little bit. But the currents were very fast. She tried to keep Tony above the surface above water. But the water was shattering her hope. She called God many times in her heart.

All of a sudden a wooden door of someone’s house got near to them. She boarded Tony on it and put her hands in hands with him and swimming along with water’s decision. The thought of saving Tony had given a lot of strength to her efforts; strange nimbleness. Her wet hair was disheveled and her lips got blue. Tony was weeping. “Don’t cry Tony”, said it in a weak voice.

“Hina, Hina…, Come up with me”, he said and started pulling his hand.  She climbed on the board with him. There was water everywhere. Dead people were floating. Clothes, plates, cattle, trees, and bottles were flowing with currents. They both were scared. “Hina, where are mom and dad? They are not in those people”, Tony asked shivering with cold.

“They are at home” she replied with a sinking heart. “But everything is beneath the water!” “Don’t worry Tony, our home is SAFE.” She said as if she was consoling herself.

On the spur of moment, a flash of flood arrived again and took Hina off the board. Survival for life started again. She was trying to keep a panel of wood outside water while water was trying to drown her.    “I don’t like the yearning of fishes.” She remembered her father’s words. But today people are crying for help, your dear ones. She tried for the last time and pushed the wooden panel forward.

Her grip loosened. Her blue shoes slid from her feet. Her heart was filled with deep gloom and tears popped out.

“Should we stop tears from coming out?” she heard her voice. “YES BUT NOT ALWAYS,” Her father said that to her. “But it will not happen today. Let the tears come out. Let them find their way.”

She saw the wooden door and her dear blue shoes going far away from her. “Father, do fishes cry?”  She was asking him. “Yes maybe. But no one can saw their tears.” “Just like us.” She was weeping and no one can see her. Tears were mixing with water. “But God can see everything.” She heard her father’s words. God is watching her.  Her mother used to say this also.

She felt as if her soul left her body. Out of nowhere a boat of soldiers arrived who grasped the bouncing board. Tony was saved. The boat had many people inside. Her mother and father were also there. And what is that! Her father’s body was cold just like hers. Her heart had stopped beating. Mom started crying. She was crying over their bodies.

Some little tears got mixed with water and some tears kissed her face. Some tears were absorbed by her father’s clothes. This was Tony. He became quiet just like her mother. Hina was a victor. She saved Tony.

It was the quiet corner of the river. Many days have passed since the flood destroyed everything. People were exploring things that came with the water. Someone tumbled upon blue shoes that were stitched with white thread.  That little shoes whose white thread had become black with dirt. The person who found them considered them invaluable. He tossed them into the river again.

Once again the ‘poverty’ started his journey with the flow. It was ‘poverty’. “The little token of poverty” was swaying slowly in the river.

Author- Noor e Sehar

Keep Writing with "Kahani Bazaar"
